give me some suga'
4 march
I was sitting on the roof the hole day. It was raining. In my hand I had a cup of coffee. It was fogy and I couldn´t see the Fernsehturm. It might have been for the best, it´s not that exciting after all. But I saw the roofs closest to me. That was grand, and red. I think there´s nothing better than to sit on a roof for hours. It´s mighty in a way, to be so unreachable and I like the idea of nothing happening. It didn´t have a purpose to go up on the roof- I could have been drinking my coffee inside like I usally do. But I don´t know, it just feelt good there. The picture of myself sitting quite on the roof was breathtaking. However, it wasn´t the same thing like in my head, but things usally isn´t.
And then it suddently feelt like something big was about to happen. A plane catching fire or a bird flying into one of those chimneys. I don´t think that happens alot, they have pretty good sight. But nothing happend. I could hear the cars slowing down to make a turn on the crossroads and some kids playing in a distance. Kids are always out playing in the rain. It was the best time when I was little I remember. Jump in puddles and make castles in the sand that would quickly desolve in the heavy rain. Almost like those munks making complex and great figures in different colors of sand. They work on it for months and months and when they are completly finished they destroy it. Just like that, after all that work they put it in a jar. Just because everything is evanescent. They have something going there those munks. Beeing so determent and hardworking they could be really good at putting up a hotel or starting a new fastfood branch. They could be extremly successful. But instead they make beautiful sand art. It´s very wise of them, I think.
I´m not that wise. I do a lot of stupid things all the time. Like going from work earlier just because I´m finished with everything, but I should acctually stay until the end, the bitter end. Or someone should. That could be me. I know this but at that time I just want to lay down and listen to Nic Jones. He is a great british folksinger and one of his songs is about that he is going to lay down on a field and that there are grass and flowers and other things all around him. It makes me wanna do that too. But then I realise that I´m stuck in a hostel making things shine. It´s alright though, I can lay down on the roof on my free time.
I can´t wait for things to start blossom and get warm again. Then I can sit on the roof longer and I can bring a book with me, or picnic and other people maybe. That´s the problem with the warmth- other people might go up on their roofs aswell. They can do what they want, but it might get crowded. And it wont be the same. Maybe I just go up there when it rains. But eventually I have to go down. I had to move down two floors to make buns. From unreachable to reachable. Buns are somewhat communicative.
And then it suddently feelt like something big was about to happen. A plane catching fire or a bird flying into one of those chimneys. I don´t think that happens alot, they have pretty good sight. But nothing happend. I could hear the cars slowing down to make a turn on the crossroads and some kids playing in a distance. Kids are always out playing in the rain. It was the best time when I was little I remember. Jump in puddles and make castles in the sand that would quickly desolve in the heavy rain. Almost like those munks making complex and great figures in different colors of sand. They work on it for months and months and when they are completly finished they destroy it. Just like that, after all that work they put it in a jar. Just because everything is evanescent. They have something going there those munks. Beeing so determent and hardworking they could be really good at putting up a hotel or starting a new fastfood branch. They could be extremly successful. But instead they make beautiful sand art. It´s very wise of them, I think.
I´m not that wise. I do a lot of stupid things all the time. Like going from work earlier just because I´m finished with everything, but I should acctually stay until the end, the bitter end. Or someone should. That could be me. I know this but at that time I just want to lay down and listen to Nic Jones. He is a great british folksinger and one of his songs is about that he is going to lay down on a field and that there are grass and flowers and other things all around him. It makes me wanna do that too. But then I realise that I´m stuck in a hostel making things shine. It´s alright though, I can lay down on the roof on my free time.
I can´t wait for things to start blossom and get warm again. Then I can sit on the roof longer and I can bring a book with me, or picnic and other people maybe. That´s the problem with the warmth- other people might go up on their roofs aswell. They can do what they want, but it might get crowded. And it wont be the same. Maybe I just go up there when it rains. But eventually I have to go down. I had to move down two floors to make buns. From unreachable to reachable. Buns are somewhat communicative.
- jag är flamsäker nu har jag ju sagt.
- de där hästarna var ju galet sensuella på fotoutställningen.
- jag tror att det beror på min nya intställning till livet - att säga ja mer. inte mindre nej, men mer ja. "ja, jag vill gå ut och dricka öl med dig".
- det var som om han bjudit hem dem för att kolla på hans fotografier och helt plötsligt säger han "du, jag är fotograf, en ganska berömd sådan, vi kan ju plåta lite om du har lust". och efter en stund är det inte långt från att visa lite mera mann, liksom.
- det jobbiga är bara när jag verkligen inte har lust. jag behöver ju tid för mig själv också. se på film och ta kort på mina fötter, du vet.
- och sedan står de där och puttar med läpparna. ibland kunde jag ju inte skilja på om det var kvinnor eller hästar.
- jag bara undrar om folk förstår det, alla behöver ju egentid, eller hur?
- dessutom var bilderna alldeles för perfekta. det är sådant som händer nu när alla har mark 5d eller nikon D90. digitalt perfekta bilder. skittrist.
- men det är svårt att säga nej ibland. speciellt om det bara är för att se på lost in translation igen. men jag är definitivt mer flamsäker nu.
- alltså, du måste sluta äta så många döda vindruvor. de torkar ju igen nervcellerna för dig.
- de där hästarna var ju galet sensuella på fotoutställningen.
- jag tror att det beror på min nya intställning till livet - att säga ja mer. inte mindre nej, men mer ja. "ja, jag vill gå ut och dricka öl med dig".
- det var som om han bjudit hem dem för att kolla på hans fotografier och helt plötsligt säger han "du, jag är fotograf, en ganska berömd sådan, vi kan ju plåta lite om du har lust". och efter en stund är det inte långt från att visa lite mera mann, liksom.
- det jobbiga är bara när jag verkligen inte har lust. jag behöver ju tid för mig själv också. se på film och ta kort på mina fötter, du vet.
- och sedan står de där och puttar med läpparna. ibland kunde jag ju inte skilja på om det var kvinnor eller hästar.
- jag bara undrar om folk förstår det, alla behöver ju egentid, eller hur?
- dessutom var bilderna alldeles för perfekta. det är sådant som händer nu när alla har mark 5d eller nikon D90. digitalt perfekta bilder. skittrist.
- men det är svårt att säga nej ibland. speciellt om det bara är för att se på lost in translation igen. men jag är definitivt mer flamsäker nu.
- alltså, du måste sluta äta så många döda vindruvor. de torkar ju igen nervcellerna för dig.
tre metri
morgondagen står kall och mörk och på hustaken sitter fåglarna
kaffekalas och mensvärk
min hjärta brister och jag måste ha med mig en påse om natten
plockar upp spillrorna jag glömde
men splittret blir kvar på u-bahns ölfuktiga mark
det går så snabbt, och jag hinner, hinner inte med
i det fuktiga gräset stoppar jag tårna och drar upp dem ur snödrivorna
när jag var liten fick jag höra att när håret frös i vinterkylan bröts det av
men när våren kommer och rädslan tinar
vad händer då?
om jag bara hade fått slippa plocka ut besticken ur diskmaskinen
kaffekalas och mensvärk
min hjärta brister och jag måste ha med mig en påse om natten
plockar upp spillrorna jag glömde
men splittret blir kvar på u-bahns ölfuktiga mark
det går så snabbt, och jag hinner, hinner inte med
i det fuktiga gräset stoppar jag tårna och drar upp dem ur snödrivorna
när jag var liten fick jag höra att när håret frös i vinterkylan bröts det av
men när våren kommer och rädslan tinar
vad händer då?
om jag bara hade fått slippa plocka ut besticken ur diskmaskinen
Frau M
Drawed with IKEA pencil. Simply because it´s possible.
fruset vatten
först när fåglarna simmar på isen försvinner den och det vilda bruset dör ut i deras kraxande. vänta här och snart tinar solen upp marken som vi står på, hur vi sjunker ner djupare och djupare. dra inte öronen åt dig, den bruna mullan letar sig in och drar i det pulserande blodet som smärtar i fingertopparna. försiktigt och lättsamt blir det tyst. kaffet kokar på högvarv på spisen. men vi står kvar, nedsjunkna i jorden med näsan i vädret drar in och ut. in och ut.
My love for trees
hoover tickeling
my fingers are dirty, my back is crooked and the tingle-i-tangle in the hoover tickles my gut
driping and droping the mopping will do, the sweeping- i think I am long over due
if i was half a peanut, half a man- I would have some kind of fat
belive it or not, miss apologise- I´m not emotionally attached to this floor
but if you so will, you may jump on one leg
my fingers are dirty, my back is crooked and the tingle-i-tangle in the hoover tickles my red painted fingers
driping and droping the mopping will do, the sweeping- i think I am long over due
if i was half a peanut, half a man- I would have some kind of fat
belive it or not, miss apologise- I´m not emotionally attached to this floor
but if you so will, you may jump on one leg
driping and droping the mopping will do, the sweeping- i think I am long over due
if i was half a peanut, half a man- I would have some kind of fat
belive it or not, miss apologise- I´m not emotionally attached to this floor
but if you so will, you may jump on one leg
my fingers are dirty, my back is crooked and the tingle-i-tangle in the hoover tickles my red painted fingers
driping and droping the mopping will do, the sweeping- i think I am long over due
if i was half a peanut, half a man- I would have some kind of fat
belive it or not, miss apologise- I´m not emotionally attached to this floor
but if you so will, you may jump on one leg
Barry for president
today is another day
I remember today - the rain that is falling down so aggressivly. And I remember the other day when I found a message in a bottle. It was a rather cold day in august and I almost had to wear socks. We went down the river and after sitting down on the gray rocks I saw this bottle coming flothing towards us and instantly I thought of Pippi Långstrump.
Now this mail was from a heartbroken man, a sailor in fact, who was looking for a new woman that wouldn´t cheat or stop calling, but love and see the man he is. Even though I thought this was somewhat darling we never called the number he wrote down, cause frankly - it could be the begining of a beautiful story.
foto by martin
Now this mail was from a heartbroken man, a sailor in fact, who was looking for a new woman that wouldn´t cheat or stop calling, but love and see the man he is. Even though I thought this was somewhat darling we never called the number he wrote down, cause frankly - it could be the begining of a beautiful story.
foto by martin
Sane Sweden
Windy germany
Autumn denial
Sorry. Trying to paint here
we eat hot dogs and try not to feel bad about it
Kids! Do not write stupid things on your arms
the sweater you gave me is still in my top drawer
PEDRO, wo bist Du?
As you may know by now Christian and I are looking for a new flatmate. I thought that it sounds so nice with "here lives Christian, Sara and Pedro" so we decided to find us one:
Are You Pedro?
Flatmate wanted!! In 5 – ZI – MAISONETTE – 4ER – WG ++ at ++ PFLÜGER-/ FRIEDELSTR. ++ 25 QM in 4. Floor ++ abgez. Dielen ++ a lot of air between floor and roof ++ Stuck ++ own balcony to the south ++ livingroom with awesome atmosphere and balcony to the south ++ berlin view from house roof++ 2 Min. to Canal ++ Kautionsbeteiligung ++ in the best of worlds you stay for long ++ are you pedro? or someone else interested in schlesen, haarparty und werkzeug??!..... then we have a
Room for You 1.9 or even earlier
Of course we are not picky. It´s ALRIGHT if we could just give this flatmate to be a new and improved name.
Are You Pedro?
Flatmate wanted!! In 5 – ZI – MAISONETTE – 4ER – WG ++ at ++ PFLÜGER-/ FRIEDELSTR. ++ 25 QM in 4. Floor ++ abgez. Dielen ++ a lot of air between floor and roof ++ Stuck ++ own balcony to the south ++ livingroom with awesome atmosphere and balcony to the south ++ berlin view from house roof++ 2 Min. to Canal ++ Kautionsbeteiligung ++ in the best of worlds you stay for long ++ are you pedro? or someone else interested in schlesen, haarparty und werkzeug??!..... then we have a
Room for You 1.9 or even earlier
Of course we are not picky. It´s ALRIGHT if we could just give this flatmate to be a new and improved name.
So, what is the purpose?
oh la la! kaos!
att berlinkompensera är att lämna skåp och dörrar öppna. att lämna berlin är onaturligt. det är som att ställa en säng mittemot en dörr. det är dålig feng shui helt enkelt. centralt världskaos. och vem orkar leva med det. själv hemmasnickrar jag kaos. I just love the sound of grumpiness in the morning.