It is what it is with days. They come and goes and as soon as they´re over you forget about them. If you don´t nail it down with a blog. We were jumping up and down from the chairs, screaming PANCAKES! PANCAKES! and thats probably just it. four weeks and nothing but pancakes. Not that bad, I´d say.

As for my last little scribble, I should probably only write in plain swedish, but it´s hard to keep nationality straight at the moment. Ever since EM started I had to obey and join the cheering crowd, or put my self in to complete isolation. No worries though, I wasn´t cheering for Sweden, but it´s hard not to. Let´s see, it´s 400 000 turkish people living here and 20 german. What to do but to put on a scarf and pretend I don´t wear lingeries under (´couse I´m sure they do. there´s a shop in every corner selling sexy arabic underwears. I can totaly see how this works.) And tomorrow it´s the BIG game Turkey vs. Germany. In my hood! Ha! Everyone expects a riot. I don´t think it´s gonna happen. But it might be difficult to get a falafel around here if Turkey do win.

(Sorry for writing an entier enclosure about football. Not my intention, just happend. Needed to get it out of my system. Such a drag, though!)

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